We are legally obliged to provide you with this information which was updated on 14th September 2008. Government advice is that you print this and retain it.
Under the DSR (Distance selling Regulations) consumers are generally afforded the ability to return goods once they have had an opportunity to see them as if they were purchasing them in a retail store. The normal time constraint is 7 working days commencing the day after you receive the goods. In certain circumstances your rights to do so are taken away; one such example is the supply of 'bespoke' goods & 'special order' items - in other words goods which are made/obtained specifically for you.
You have asked us to supply goods which fall into this category.
By ordering these goods you are wavering your rights in respect of the DSR to return the item on the basis that you have simply 'changed your mind' or discover you have 'ordered the wrong item(s)' once you receive your order. If the item is faulty you still have the same rights as you would have when ordering 'stock items'
We want you to fully understand the basis of this prior to ordering the item(s).
A further factor is the acceptable delivery period for SPECIAL ORDER ITEMS. Under the DSR, we are obliged to ensure that your order is fulfilled within 30 days; unless we agree different terms. In the case of SPECIAL ORDER ITEMS whilst we always strive to provide a speedy delivery period; time 'is not the essence of the Contract'. We shall advise you via email once we have established the approximate delivery estimate of your item(s) and you then have 24 hours in which to cancel your order, unless you confirm it sooner. Even although they are special order items they are often available within 7-28 DAYS; if however your item(s) need to be procured from abroad you should be aware that a lead time of up to 10 weeks is possible.
Please do not order an item unless you agree to these terms. If you do order it will be assumed that you have read and agree to these terms.
PLEASE NOTE: BERR (Department for Business Enterprise & Regulatory Reform) who are responsible for the DSR (Distance Selling Regulations) say that both parties have to communicate information and NOTICE of CANCELLATION where permissible (in a durable medium) - that means either in Writing, by fax or email - a telephone call is not classed as 'Durable Medium'!
You can find out more about the DSR and your Consumer Rights by visiting www.berr.gov.uk/consumers/fact-sheets/page38102.html
The Curtain Place
Tel: 07557 770883
Email: sales@thecurtainplace.co.uk